Travel Pharmacist Salary Guide

Pharmacists are healthcare providers who specialize in dispensing prescription medications. As medication experts, they work closely with physicians and other healthcare team members to ensure the patient receives safe, appropriate prescription drugs. They primarily dispense the medications that doctors prescribe and work closely with patients to make sure they understand how to use their medications safely. They can also advise patients on using over-the-counter drugs. Other duties include overseeing pharmacy technicians, updating patient records and working with insurance companies. Some pharmacists might administer immunizations and perform health screenings.

How do you become a pharmacist?

To become a pharmacist, you must complete an accredited pharmacy program to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree. You can expect the program to take 4 years to complete. The admission requirements can vary for these programs, with some requiring 2 years of undergraduate work and others requiring a bachelor's degree. The degree might need to be in a science or healthcare field. Pharmacists who want to specialize may complete a residency or fellowship program after graduating, but this isn't required. You also need to meet licensing requirements for your state, which typically includes passing one or more exams.

What credentials/licensing does a pharmacist require?

Pharmacists must be licensed by the state. Licensure requirements vary based on where you live. All states require licensure candidates to pass the North American Pharmacist Licensure Exam (NAPLEX). The Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam is also commonly required, but some states have their own exams. You can also earn credentials for specialty areas. The Board Certified Pediatric Pharmacy Specialist credential through the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) requires advanced knowledge of medications for pediatric patients. The BPS offers several other specialty certifications, including cardiology, emergency medicine, oncology and psychiatric pharmacy.

Average Travel Pharmacist Salary


The average salary for a Travel Pharmacist is $2,839 per week. This is 17% higher than the practicing US average of $2,348.

Last updated on May 26, 2024. Based on 259 active jobs on in the last 7 days.

Salaries for Travel Pharmacist compared to Allied Health Professional National Averages


17% higher than the practicing US average.


United States

Where do Travel Pharmacists get paid the most?
StateAverage Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
New Jersey$3,980$4,360
North Carolina$2,948$3,261
What cities pay the most for Travel Pharmacists?
CityAverage Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
Edison, New Jersey$3,937$4,340
Grand Rapids, Minnesota$3,687$4,042
San Francisco, California$3,563$3,563
Stevens Point, Wisconsin$3,357$3,682
Scranton, Pennsylvania$3,036$3,640
Boone, North Carolina$3,026$3,261
Santa Monica, California$2,957$3,519
Alturas, California$2,803$2,998
Asheville, North Carolina$2,793$3,031
Eureka Springs, Arkansas$2,778$2,940
What are the highest paying Employers and Agencies for Travel Pharmacist jobs?
Average Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
Samba Care$4,649$4,649
Aptiva Healthcare$4,400$4,400
Firstat Medical Staffing$4,109$4,109
TheraEX Staffing Services$4,100$4,100
TinkBird Healthcare Staffing$3,503$3,624
SGS Consulting$3,371$3,371
NuWest Travel Nursing$3,235$3,970

Last updated on May 26, 2024. Information based on active jobs on

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How can you increase your pay as a travel pharmacist

How much does a travel pharmacist make?

For traveling pharmacist positions, the average salary was $2,660 per week, according to Vivian Health's salary data sourced on May 10, 2023.

Do travel pharmacists earn more than staff pharmacists?

Based on the salary data from Vivian Health on May 10, 2023, staff pharmacists may actually make more than travel pharmacists, which is the opposite of the norm for other travel positions. Using the average hourly rate of $68.35, staff pharmacists would earn an average of $2,734 per week for a 40-hour workweek. This weekly salary is slightly higher than the average travel pharmacist's salary of $2,660 per week on the same day. Specific salaries vary based on the location and facility, as well as your qualifications.

What states employ the most pharmacists?

When considering where you want to practice, looking at states that hire more pharmacists than others could offer insight into where more employment opportunities might exist. These states are generally more heavily populated and have a higher need for pharmacy services. Based on May 2022 BLS data, the states that hire the most pharmacists include:

  • California

  • Texas

  • Florida

  • New York

  • Pennsylvania

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