Wound Care Technician Career Guide

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Wound Care Technicians are healthcare professionals who specialize in the assessment, treatment, and management of various types of wounds. Their primary goal is to promote wound healing, prevent complications, and improve the overall well-being of patients with acute or chronic wounds. Essential job functions include wound assessment, wound cleaning and dressing changes, patient education on wound care, and


The educational background required to become a Wound Care Technician typically includes a high school diploma or equivalent. However, some employers may prefer candidates with a certified nursing assistant (CNA) or licensed practical nurse (LPN) certification. These certifications can be obtained through accredited programs at vocational schools or community colleges, generally taking several months to complete.

A stethoscope held in one hand

Related certifications

Wound Care Technicians often require certification in wound care or wound management to demonstrate their expertise in the field. While certification is not always mandatory, it significantly enhances job prospects and credibility. The most recognized certification for wound care technicians is the Certified Wound Specialist (CWS) credential, which is offered by the American Board of Wound Management.

Experience in


Wound Care Technicians need a diverse skill set to excel in their role. They must have a strong knowledge of wound types, wound healing stages, and various wound care products and techniques. Attention to detail is crucial for accurately assessing wounds and monitoring progress. Additionally, they need strong communication skills to educate patients and their families about proper wound care

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The role of Wound Care Technicians involves a range of responsibilities that are essential to ensuring effective wound care. They are responsible for assessing wounds to determine their type, size, and severity. Once they have assessed a wound, they need to clean it and change dressings as prescribed by a healthcare provider. 

In addition to that, Wound Care Technicians must monitor

Salary Insights

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Wound Care Technician

The average salary for a Wound Care Technician is $2,342.19 per week.

Last updated on May 9, 2024. Based on active jobs on Vivian.com.

Pros & Cons

Wound care technicians are in high demand due to an aging population and an increase in chronic health conditions. Compared to other healthcare professions, the education and training requirements for this profession are shorter. As a wound care technician, you will have opportunities to work in various healthcare settings such as hospitals, long-term care facilities, and home healthcare agencies. One

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Wound Care Technician

  • Piedmont Atlanta Hospital
  • Atlanta, GA
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