BT-C (ABA) - Burn Therapist Certified

  • Cost: $450-$850
  • Renews: BT-C certification requires renewal every 5 years
  • which involves completing continuing education in burn therapy and paying a renewal fee.



The BT-C certification is designed for healthcare professionals, particularly physical and occupational therapists, who specialize in the rehabilitation of burn injury patients. It recognizes advanced knowledge and clinical skills in the assessment, treatment, and long-term rehabilitation of burn survivors.

Completion Time: Preparation time varies based on individual progress through educational, experience, and, if applicable, examination requirements.

Eligibility and Certification Requirements

  • A degree in physical or occupational therapy from an accredited institution.

  • A current and valid license to practice as a physical or occupational therapist.

  • Professional experience in the field of burn care, including 2 years of direct patient care with burn patients.

  • Within the 5 years prior to the application date, have 4,000 hours of direct patient care experience specifically with burn patients.

  • Completion of specialized training or continuing education courses in burn therapy.

  • Demonstrate proficiency in at least three burn rehabilitation domains as per defined standards and objectives.

Cost: $50 Registration processing fee plus a $400 Portfolio application fee (for ABA members) or $800 for non-members


Certification Process

Obtain the necessary educational qualifications and professional licensure in physical or occupational therapy.

Gain professional experience in burn care and rehabilitation.

Complete any required specialized training or continuing education in burn therapy.

Apply for BT-C certification through the relevant professional organization.

Continuing Education

Continuing education for BT-C certified professionals may include advanced burn care techniques, emerging research in burn treatment and rehabilitation, psychological aspects of burn recovery, and updates in therapeutic interventions.

Other Resources

For specific information regarding Burn Therapist Certified certification, including eligibility criteria, examination details, and renewal processes, it is recommended to consult directly with professional organizations specializing in burn care and rehabilitation, such as the American Burn Association (ABA). These organizations provide comprehensive standards, resources, and support for healthcare professionals dedicated to the field of burn therapy.

Career Opportunities

BT-C certified therapists work in hospital burn units, rehabilitation centers, outpatient clinics, and specialized burn therapy facilities.

They provide comprehensive rehabilitation services, including wound care, scar management, functional restoration, and psychosocial support to burn survivors.

Related Certifications

The ABA also offers the Advanced Burn Life Support (ABLS).

Other related certifications include:

  • BCEN Burn Nursing Specialty Certification (CBRN)

  • AOTA Board Certification in Physical Rehabilitation (BCPR)

  • ABPTS Neurologic Clinical Specialist (NCS)

  • ABPTS Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist (OCS)

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Frequently asked questions

What other certifications does the ABA offer besides the Burn Therapist Certified (BT-C)?

The ABA also offers the Advanced Burn Life Support (ABLS).

How often do I need to renew my ABA Burn Therapist Certified (BT-C)?

You must renew your ABA Burn Therapist Certified (BT-C) every five years.

What organization offers the Burn Therapist Certified (BT-C)?

The American Burn Association (ABA) offers the Burn Therapist Certified (BT-C).

Who would benefit from obtaining the ABA Burn Therapist Certified (BT-C)?

Occupational therapist (OTs) and physical therapists (PTs) who have advanced knowledge and clinical skills in the assessment, treatment, and long-term rehabilitation of burn survivors, would benefit from obtaining the ABA Burn Therapist Certified (BT-C).

What settings does a ABA Burn Therapist Certified (BT-C) work in?

ABA Burn Therapist Certified (BT-C) can work in various settings, including hospital burn units, rehabilitation centers, outpatient clinics and specialized burn therapy facilities.