PTC (ASPT) - Phlebotomy Technician Certificate

  • Cost: $100-$160
  • Renews: Typically every year
  • with continuing education requirements and renewal form


In Person


The Phlebotomy Technician Certificate is a professional credential for individuals trained in the practice of phlebotomy – the drawing of blood for diagnostic testing, transfusions, research, or blood donations. This certification demonstrates a technician's competence in phlebotomy techniques, safety protocols, and patient interaction.

Completion Time: Single exam session

Cost: In-person exam, $100 (includes $65 plus $35 new application/membership fee); Online exam, $135 (if paid 30 days in advance) or $160 (if paid less than 30 days in advance)

Eligibility and Certification Requirements

  • Completion of an accredited phlebotomy training program or equivalent on-the-job training.

  • A high school diploma or equivalent is often required.

  • Successful completion of a certain number of documented venipunctures and skin punctures, as required by the certifying organization.

  • Passing a certification examination offered by a recognized organization.

Course Format

Exam Format

The Phlebotomy Technician exam typically consists of multiple-choice questions covering areas such as phlebotomy fundamentals, specimen handling, patient care, and safety and compliance.

The exam assesses both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in phlebotomy.

In-person and online exam options are available.


Submit an application to a certifying organization such as NHA, ASCP, or others.

Successfully pass the Phlebotomy Technician certification examination.


Phlebotomy Technician certification generally requires renewal every year.

Renewal typically involves completing continuing education credits in phlebotomy or related healthcare areas and paying a recertification fee.

Continuing Education

Continuing education for Phlebotomy Technicians may include new techniques in phlebotomy, updates in healthcare regulations, infection control practices, and patient communication skills.

Other Resources

For specific information regarding Phlebotomy Technician certification, including eligibility criteria, examination details, approved training programs, and renewal processes, it is recommended to consult directly with recognized certifying organizations such as the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) or the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP). These organizations provide comprehensive resources and standards for phlebotomy technicians seeking certification.

Career Opportunities

Phlebotomy Technicians work in various settings including hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, blood donation centers, and doctors’ offices.

Their responsibilities include blood specimen collection, proper labeling and handling of specimens, maintaining phlebotomy equipment, and ensuring patient safety and comfort.

Related Certifications

Other related certifications include:

  • ASCP Phlebotomy Technician (PBT)

  • NPA Certified Phlebotomist Technologist (CPT)

  • AMT Registered Phlebotomy Technician (RPT)

  • NHA Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT)

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Frequently asked questions

Can I earn a ASPT Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (PTC) online?

Yes you can earn a ASPT Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (PTC) online.

What organization offers the Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (PTC)?

The American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians, Inc. (ASPT) offers the Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (PTC).

How often do I need to renew my ASPT Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (PTC)?

You must renew your ASPT Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (PTC) each year, by December 31st.

What are the job duties of a ASPT Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (PTC)?

The job duties of a ASPT Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (PTC) include blood specimen collection, proper labeling and handling of specimens, maintaining phlebotomy equipment, and ensuring patient safety and comfort.

How many continuing education units (CEUs) are required for recertifying the ASPT Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (PTC)?

Recertifying the ASPT Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (PTC) requires a total of 6 continuing education units (CEUs) every year.