REx-PN (NCSBN) - Regulatory Exam - Practical Nurse

  • Cost: $350 CAD
  • Renew: Not required


In Person


The Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurses (REx-PN) is a licensure examination designed to assess the competency of practical nurses to practice safely and effectively. The Canadian Practical Nurse exam was developed for the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) and the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). It is administered by various regulatory bodies across different regions or states, ensuring that candidates meet the standards required for practical nursing. 

Completion Time: 4 hours is allowed, but each candidate’s time will vary based on their performance and number of questions answered


  • Completion of an accredited practical nursing program.

  • Compliance with specific requirements set by the regional or state regulatory body, which may include background checks and application fees.

Course Format

Exam Format

The REx-PN exam is administered at Pearson Professional Centers in Canada and the U.S. by computerized adaptive testing (CAT). 

The REx-PN is a variable-length CAT that ranges from 90 to 150 items. It includes 30 pretest items that are not scored.

The exam consists of various question formats such as multiple choice, multiple response, and fill-in-the-blank calculations. Some questions will also be presented as exhibits and graphics. 

It is important to note that each REx-PN candidate will receive a unique set of questions, and hence, the frequency and number of each question type will differ for each candidate.

Topics usually cover a range of nursing competencies, including patient care, pharmacology, nursing principles, and ethical/legal aspects of practical nursing.


Apply for REx-PN licensure through the relevant nursing regulatory body, which typically involves submitting an application and fee.

Register for the Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurses as the regulatory body directs.

Receive authorization to test and schedule the examination.

The REx-PN exam is graded on a pass/fail scale depending on the number of correctly answered questions as determined by the NCLEX's confidence interval. In order to pass, you need to answer enough questions correctly to stay above the passing line. The current passing standard is -0.32 logits.


The REx-PN is a licensure examination and does not require renewal. However, maintaining licensure is contingent on state or regional regulations, and may include continuing education requirements.

Continuing Education

To maintain REx-PN licensure, practical nurses typically must engage in ongoing professional development and continuing education, which can vary depending on state or regional regulations.

Other Resources

For specific information regarding the Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurses, including eligibility criteria, examination details, and licensure processes, it is recommended to consult directly with the relevant regional or state nursing regulatory body. These organizations provide specific guidelines, resources, and standards for practical nursing licensure within their jurisdiction.

Career Opportunities

Successful exam completion allows for licensure as a practical nurse, enabling employment in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, private practices, and home healthcare settings.

Related Certifications

Other related certifications include:

  • NCSBN National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN)

  • NCSBN National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN)

  • NAPNES Certification in Long-Term Care (CLTC)

  • NAPNES LPN/LVN Certification in Intravenous Therapy (IV-Therapy)

  • NAPNES LPN/LVN Pharmacology Certification (NCP)

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Frequently asked questions

Can I earn a NCSBN Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurse (REx-PN) online?

No you can't earn a Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurse (REx-PN) online.

How many questions are on the NCSBN Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurse (REx-PN) exam?

The NCSBN Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurse (REx-PN) exam consists of 90 to 150 questions. It includes 30 pretest items that are not scored.

What topics are covered on the NCSBN Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurse (REx-PN) exam?

The NCSBN Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurse (REx-PN) exam covers various topics, including patient care, pharmacology, nursing principles, and ethical/legal aspects of practical nursing.

What type of questions are on the NCSBN Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurse (REx-PN) exam?

The NCSBN Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurse (REx-PN) exam consists of various question formats, including multiple choice, multiple response, fill-in-the-blank, graphics and exhibits.

What if I fail the NCSBN Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurse (REx-PN) exam?

If you fail the NCSBN Regulatory Exam for Practical Nurse (REx-PN), you will receive a Candidate Performance Report (CPR) to help you prepare for your retake exam. You must wait a minimum of 60 days to retake the REx-PN exam.