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Operation Happy Nurse

Operation Happy Nurse is a nonprofit group that provides mental health and wellness resources for healthcare professionals. Their mission is to help all nurses struggling with stress, anxiety and/or depression by creating a community focused on improving overall mental health and physical well-being.

Operation Happy Nurse is a nonprofit group that provides mental health and wellness resources for healthcare professionals. Their mission is to help all nurses struggling with stress, anxiety and/or depression by creating a community focused on improving overall mental health and physical well-being.

View all posts by Operation Happy Nurse

breakfast ideas
Work Life 7 Make-Ahead Breakfasts for Your Shifts

Save time and plan ahead with these yummy workday breakfast ideas.

Save time and plan ahead with these yummy workday breakfast ideas.

Social Life with friends at a BBQ
Work Life 7 Ways to Balance Social Life with Shift Work

Learn to balance shift work with your social life to ensure you make the most of your free time.

Learn to balance shift work with your social life to ensure you make the most…

Eating fresh produce can help recharge your mind and body
Wellness 10 Tips for Resetting the Mind and Body

Learn 10 ways to reset your body, both mentally and physically, to stay healthy.

Learn 10 ways to reset your body, both mentally and physically, to stay healthy.

stop nurse bullying
Wellness How to Confront and End Nurse Bullying Together

Learn what nurse bullying is and how you can combat it for a happier work environment.

Learn what nurse bullying is and how you can combat it for a happier work…

Meditation to relax
Wellness 6 Meditation Tips and Helpful Apps for a Calmer Nursing Life

Struggling to relieve stress? Try these meditation tips and helpful apps for a calmer nursing life.

Struggling to relieve stress? Try these meditation tips and helpful apps for a calmer nursing…

Wellness 9 Ways to Get Outside Before and After Your Shifts

Discover the benefits of sunshine and more with these tips for enjoying the outdoors.

Discover the benefits of sunshine and more with these tips for enjoying the outdoors.