Urology Physician Assistant Career Guide

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Urology Physician Assistants (PAs) are healthcare professionals who specialize in the field of urology, which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract and male reproductive system disorders. Urology PAs work closely with urologists to provide comprehensive medical care to patients. Their essential job functions include conducting patient assessments, diagnosing urological conditions, performing minor urological procedures, prescribing


To become a Urology PA, you must first complete a bachelor's degree, typically in a science-related field. Afterward, you'll need to enroll in a Physician Assistant program, which generally takes about two to three years to complete. These programs are offered by accredited universities and medical schools, and graduates earn a Master's degree in Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS).

A stethoscope held in one hand

Related certifications

To practice as a Urology PA, you must pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) to become certified. Additionally, you'll need to obtain state licensure to practice as a PA. Experience in a related field, such as general surgery or internal medicine, can be advantageous when pursuing a career in urology. It provides a solid foundation of medical knowledge


Urology PAs require a unique set of skills and competencies to excel in their specialty. They need a deep understanding of urological conditions, anatomy and diagnostic procedures. Effective communication skills are crucial as they interact with patients to assess their urological health, explain treatment options and provide education on preventive measures. Empathy and sensitivity are essential when discussing sensitive topics

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The responsibilities of a Urology PA revolve around the diagnosis and management of urological conditions. They conduct urological assessments, order and interpret diagnostic tests (e.g., imaging, urinalysis), diagnose urological disorders and formulate treatment plans. Urology PAs may perform minor urological procedures, assist in surgeries and provide patient education on topics such as prostate health, kidney stones, or urinary incontinence.

Salary Insights

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Urology Physician Assistant

The average salary for a Urology Physician Assistant is $2,252.50 per week.

Last updated on May 14, 2024. Based on active jobs on Vivian.com.

Pros & Cons

Opting for a career as a Urology PA offers several advantages. One of the main benefits is the opportunity to make a significant impact on patients' urological health, potentially preventing or treating serious conditions. Urology PAs often enjoy competitive compensation and job stability, with a growing demand for urological healthcare professionals.

However, there are challenges to consider. Urology can involve sensitive

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Urology Physician Assistant Jobs

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Physician Assistant - Urology

  • The Mount Sinai Hospital
  • New York, NY
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View job details for Physician Assistant - Urology
Staff Position

Physician Assistant - Urology

  • The Mount Sinai Hospital
  • New York, NY
  • Sign-On Bonus
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