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Allied Health Jobs

  • 1,237 open jobs
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Allied Health Jobs Salary Insights

Average Allied Health Salary


The average salary for a Allied Health is $44.14 per hour.

Last updated on April 27, 2024. Based on active jobs on

Explore all Allied Health salary insights

Allied Health Jobs FAQs

What employers have the most staff Allied Health jobs?

The employers on Vivian that currently have the most staff Allied Health jobs are Sutter Health (303), Baylor Scott & White Health (158), and University of Miami (106).

What hospitals currently have the most Allied Health job opportunities?

The hospitals on Vivian that currently have the most Allied Health jobs are Northside Hospital - Atlanta (97 jobs), Temple University Hospital (96 jobs), and New York University Langone Medical Center Tisch Hospital (78 jobs).

Does Vivian have any per diem Allied Health jobs?

As of Monday, April 29th 2024, Vivian has 45 jobs listed for per diem Allied Health jobs. These jobs pay $48 per hour on average and up to $102 per hour for the highest-paying role.

Does Vivian have any local contract Allied Health jobs?

As of Monday, April 29th 2024, Vivian has 544 listings for local contract Allied Health jobs. These jobs pay $57 per hour on average, and up to $100 per hour for the top-paying job listed.

Does Vivian have any travel Allied Health jobs?

As of Monday, April 29th 2024, Vivian has 28,937 listings for travel Allied Health jobs. These jobs pay $2,359 per hour on average, and up to $9,000 per hour for the top-paying job listed.

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